Final Refective ESE...

  What’s up this is my reflective essay its for math 2b it’s the second part of math 2 the teacher of this class was Vikki Vasquez she was a student once she also went to college and lived in new York I think but besides that I don’t really know who she was. This class was about math and geometry we did a lot of mathematical things and things using triangles too also the Pythagorean theory.

A topic that I learned was how to solve what triangles. It wasn’t really hard to find this class because I came to the open house so I found it pretty easy my first day.
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Reflective Essay Fall 2009

This class is Math 2b its the class after math 2a and before math 3 its the Intermediate  Geometry one. The teacher of this class is Victoria Velazquez aka Vikkie shes full puerto rician short funny and wacky she also went to the navy she might have killed someone, but no one knows because every time we ask her she doesn't tell us, so she might have and doesn't want to remember, but i don't think she would kill someone (now) she also fell off a plane and lost an inch and got her purse stolen last year.
 My favoret part of this math class was  hanging out with the kids that i sat next to and wathching a video on youtube where a guy gets on a bus and starts laughing then makes everyone laugh and every thing we did was ok i guess its math come on nothing really exsiting its definately better then regular schools. The thing that i really didint like at all was writing all those journals with alot of things on them and have to copy them down. I dont know what  im writing when im copying it down i dont know how why we  do that why can you just read it to be and ill get it!!!!!!  
 I learned hela things from this class and kaycees class i learded enough to pass my proficiencys i dont really want to learn any moew or would like  to but i know i still go a couple math classes to pass so ima still do it. I think all my math skills improved alot since i came to Rainshadow.